quarterly call to prayer

Once each quarter, we set aside a time to pray collectively during a specific week. This special prayer time normally takes place during all regularly scheduled community group gatherings. As we continue to observe the County shelter-in-place order, we encourage all members of our church family to join us in praying through the prayer prompts below, either individually, with members of your household, or using an online platform (such as Zoom, etc.). That way, even though we're physically separated, we can be united in prayer. 

As a growing church that is committed to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), we want to be sure that everything we do is built on a foundation of prayer. Martin Luther once said, “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” For our church family to remain healthy, alive, and vibrant for the Kingdom of God, prayer is non-negotiable. It is our prayer that these quarterly gatherings will help you and our church family begin, or continue, the journey to a closer walk with God.

2020 Q2: Prayer for HEALING

Sickness and brokenness are constantly on display these days. The coronavirus is still devastating and disrupting lives on a global scale. At the same time, our country grapples with social injustices and political divisions that seem almost insurmountable. We are desperately in need of healing - physically, spiritually, and relationally. So we turn to the Lord who offers us His healing grace. Click the link to download this Prayer Guide in PDF format.


Praise God for who He is.

Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your prayer now.

Scripture for Reflection: Psalm 103:2-4, Psalm 139:23-24, James 5:16a, Matthew 5:9, 1 Peter 3:8-11


1. Pray for those you know who need physical healing. Acknowledge that God is “the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26), and He has the power to accomplish His will in our lives. 

VIDEO: Lord, Have Mercy (1 min. 10 sec.) - view below

2. Call upon the Great Physician to mercifully move against the spread of the coronavirus in our county, our nation, and the world, and to heal those who are suffering from the virus.

3. Acknowledge that sin is our greatest sickness. Thank God for providing the antidote of His grace and saving you from eternal death!

4. Examine your heart and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal any offensive way in you to lead you into repentance.

VIDEO: The Wound (1 min.) - view below

5. Lament over the injustices and division on display in our nation. Pray for wisdom to know what God wants His church to do to promote His kingdom values of justice and compassion.

6. Pray for God to empower you and all believers to be peacemakers and agents of His healing grace in our church, in our communities, and in all our relationships.


Thank God for hearing you.

Trust that God is at work to accomplish His will.