Welcome to promiseland children's ministry!

A place where parents and teachers partner together to raise little disciples of Jesus - providing children with opportunities to live out their faith through love and service. We hope you'll bring your kids to our fun and welcoming Sunday School classes on Sunday mornings during the worship hour (11:15 AM - 12:15 PM).

Classroom PL1: Nursery (Ages newborn-4 years)

Classroom PL3: Kids Church (Grades K-6)

Baby & Toddler nursery

More than just a nursery to drop off little ones, Nursery caregivers help infants and toddlers (0-4 years) know that church is an enjoyable and loving place to be. Through the first few years of life, we focus on making a child's experience at church a positive and safe one. We want children to learn God's love at the earliest opportunity. We begin with lots of hugs for the babies and sharing simple Bible stories and songs that toddlers enjoy!  

Adjacent to our Toddler Nursery is our Sleeping Nursery. When your little one has sleepy eyes they will find a safe, quiet, comfortable place to rest. For nursing mothers, you're welcome to use this room for some privacy, too.

Promiseland big kids class

PromiseLand Big Kids Class is a large group experience designed for children in grades K-6. At PromiseLand, your child will experience a welcoming environment with interactive Bible stories, hands-on activities, and fun at-home resources for each child's level to bring home, too. A team of loving, caring teachers and helpers use a Bible-based, discipleship curriculum that will help children to know God in a more personal way and look for opportunities to live our their faith in service. We hope ALL children will be active participants in this time of discovery.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." - Deuteronomy 6:5-9

PromiseLand Mission:
  • Leading children to Jesus (Evangelism)
  • Making church a loving and fun place to be with God's people (Fellowship)
  • Helping each child to grow spiritually (Discipleship)
  • Encouraging children to serve others (Ministry)
  • Giving children opportunities to express their love for God through worship (Worship)

PromiseLand Vision:

Leading and discipling children to a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ through teaming with parents and teachers.


Here at PromiseLand, we want to give the kids the opportunity to serve others in a practical, meaningful way. Because of this, the children have decided to sponsor two children at the Spring of Hope CarePoint in Ambo, Ethiopia (partnering with 4others Organization)! We hold regular fundraisers like bake sales and walk-a-thons to support and get the children excited about serving others. The children also get to write letters to them periodically! The sponsorship provides schooling, medical care, food, and more! 

To learn more about child sponsorship, click here.